- aeolipile
- n. round apparatus used to show the effect of forces made by a jet of gas; device used to inject the steam of heated alcohol into a furnace in a laboratory
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
English contemporary dictionary. 2014.
Aeolipile — Die Aeolipile, auch Äolsball oder Heronsball genannt, ist eine von Heron von Alexandria erdachte Maschine, die die Expansionskraft von Wasserdampf und das Rückstoßprinzip demonstriert. Die Maschine ist ein zum Teil mit Wasser gefülltes Gefäß, in… … Deutsch Wikipedia
AEolipile — [AE]*ol i*pile, AEolipyle [AE]*ol i*pyle, n. [L. aeolipilae; Aeolus god of the winds + pila a ball, or Gr. ? gate (i. e., doorway of [AE]olus); cf. F. [ e]olipyle.] An apparatus consisting chiefly of a closed vessel (as a globe or cylinder) with… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aeolipile — Aeolipile, Gebläselampe zum Löten und Glasblasen. Infolge Erwärmung einer in einem Metallbehälter befindlichen flüchtigen Flüssigkeit, z.B. Weingeist, treten die sich bildenden Dämpfe durch das Austrittsrohr aus, entzünden sich und geben eine… … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Aeolipile — An aeolipile, a rocket like [ [http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/K 12/TRC/Rockets/history of rockets.html NASA Glenn Learning Technologies Project (LTP) ] ] jet engine [ [http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/J/jet engine.html jet engine ] ]… … Wikipedia
aeolipile — /ee ol euh puyl /, n. 1. a round vessel caused to rotate by the force of tangentially escaping steam: an early example of jet propulsion. 2. a device for injecting the vapors of heated alcohol into a laboratory furnace. Also, aeolipyle, eolipile … Universalium
aeolipile — noun /ˈiːəʊlɪpʌɪl/ a steam engine powered by rocket propulsion due to escaping steam; which consists of a pressure vessel mounted on a bearing, with one or more tubes which exhaust steam tangentially to the rotation axis thus creating rotation … Wiktionary
aeolipile — ae·ol·i·pile … English syllables
aeolipile — /iˈɒləpaɪl/ (say ee oluhpuyl) noun an instrument consisting essentially of a round vessel rotated by the force of steam generated within, and escaping through bent arms. Also, aeolipyle. {Latin aeolipila, originally Aeolī pila ball of Aeolus, or… …
aeolipile — n. first steam engine, with globe made to revolve by steam jets, described in 1st century AD … Dictionary of difficult words
aeolipile — … Useful english dictionary